Custom portable and benchtop stamping presses

AirHEAD stamping press options
Configure and order your custom benchtop or portable stamping press station today. Made in Canada.

2.5 ton benchtop air to oil stamping press
2.5 ton custom punch press with 2" stroke and safety light curtain.
AirHEAD 5XL - 3 ton benchtop pneumatic punch press
3 ton pneumatic punch press with 3" stroke and time delay. with Lexar guard.

AirHEAD 5 - 4 ton benchtop pneumatic punch presses
4 ton table top pneumatic punch press for metal stamping with 6" stroke.
6 and 7.5 ton portable air to oil punch press stations
6 and 7.5 ton portable air to oil punch press workstation with or with or tooling. Works with shop air.

Portable press station with two tools
A portable and double sided C-frame punch press station provides exceptional strength while maintaining the small footprint.

Benchtop air to oil stamping press with metal door extrusion tooling
The most effective way to punch aluminum, vinyl or plastic extrusions for different frames and styles is to have dedicated punch extrusion presses and tooling for each hole.

AirHEAD - Compact pneumatic stamping press station for vinyl extrusion
Floating mandrel air to oil punch press station
5-7.5 ton custom air to oil modular punch press station with multiple floating mandrels for holes of aluminum pipes / tubes.

20 ton air to oil press station
This 20 ton portable door frame press station and tooling makes cutouts in roll formed door frames.
Precision 20 ton steel rule die benchtop press
20 ton precision pneumatic still rule die press for making cutouts of variety of materials.
Precision 20 ton steel rule die benchtop press 2
This pneumatic steel rule die press has a lager cutting surface.

Precision 7.5 - 12.5 ton steel rule die pneumatic presses
Flatbed steel rule die cutting press to cutout thin materials into custom shapes and designs.
AirHead - Compact laboratory pneumatic stamping presses
Compact laboratory stamping presses are suitable for applications with relatively low tonnage requirements in laboratory and clean room environments.
We ship anywhere in Canada and the United States.
Call: 1-604-239-7218 |
Made in Canada