Standard custom metal stamping tool & die design documentation
Standard documentation is provided with the Vortool's custom sheet metal stamping tool and die design. Die tooling design files stored and provided on Dropbox Business secure file sharing.
SolidWorks 3D CAD – Part, assembly, and drawing files
Note: Components that are likely CNC manufactured do not require fully detailed drawings. For these components the drawings will provide the necessary information:
STEP file of the main tool and die assembly that can be used for CNC programming, Wire EDM programming or any other CAD software.
eDrawing file to view the complete 3D design on a PC or Mac without the need of the original SolidWorks software.
PDF (individual) files for all tool and die drawings to print them immediately and start producing components in your machine shop or another facility.
Bill of Materials (BOM) in PDF format. It contains part/file names that are included in the design. The machined or finished size of each part is also stated along with the recommended material to be used.

Call sales at: 1-604-239-7218 or send us an EMAIL with the outline of your die tooling project.
Sheet metal stamping tool and die design
Advanced custom sheet metal stamping tool and die design documentation
This is our premium service. Please ask for a quotation.
PDF booklet - Sheet metal stamping tool and die design documentation
It is a single PDF file (booklet) that includes:
All part drawings, including assembly views, and strip layout.
A viewable 3D PDF file of the project.
Printable 3D views and pages of the design.
Bill of Material (BOM) with part/file names that are included in the design. The machined or finished size of each part is also stated along with the recommended material to be used.
Purchased items are also listed with part numbers, including the name of the supplier.
Components, like bolts, dowels, etc. are also listed for sizes and for the required amount.
Special pages included when applicable such as partial and or total weight of the project, overall dimensions, strip width, progression, etc. that is relevant for that particular project or design.
Special tool and die instructions and notes to best manufacture and assemble components to complete the project.
QR codes - Custom sheet metal stamping tool and die design documentation
The codes contain valuable information for manufacturing purposes. The tool room or machine shop may have additional information that could possibly be put on a CAD drawing. The web-based pages include images to fully explain what and how the project is intended to be done. Your input may also be included in the pages.
The QR Codes if any, are printed on the actual shop drawings and can be accessed by using e.g. a smartphone with a QR reader. It is a visual and verbal extension of the CAD drawing of its part and or the assemblies.
The sample part drawing has many different holes that the CNC programmer will have difficulties identifying from the drawing. The additional web page has images with colour coded holes to visually identify all holes. The additional information possibilities are endless, and can generally answer questions that the machinists are looking for.
SolidWorks part, assembly, and drawing files. Note: All component drawings are fully detailed.
STEP files of the main assembly can be used for all CNC programming and for other CAD software.
eDrawing file to view the complete 3D design on a PC or Mac without the need of the original SolidWorks software.
DXF files of all drawing files. Other file formats are also available for your convenience.
Tool and die manufacturing time estimate package
Time estimate (addition to BOM) that is required to manufacture each of the components and the total time required for the project, including assembly, testing, etc.
Features of advanced metal stamping tool and die design documentation
Manage your workflow better with QR Codes.
Share files between management and tool and die shop online and real time – in print and online.

QR code online file set up and storage
Features on drawings, such as holes could be confusing for the programmer using MasterCAM or similar software to generate paths and then NC files to CNC machine the parts. In this example, there is a plate with a number of different holes, like dowel holes, tapped and counterbored holes, etc.
To keep the drawing clutter-free yet provide enough information is not always possible. The larger the workpiece and or more holes to be processed, mistakes can be easily made. The 3D model’s holes were assigned in different colours, then a web page was created with a colour code chart to Identify the holes.
A QR Code was generated from the web page and was placed on the drawing. The machinist can scan the code with a smartphone and have an instant answer to the ongoing questions about the types of holes to be made. MasterCam does not recognize the tapped holes as a feature, therefore this visual aid is found invaluable.
The designer can have additional images, notes, etc. attached to the web page or pages to have instructions available at hand at all times.
To take a test drive and see how it works, scan the code with a QR Code reader (free app for your phone) or download the print and then scan it. Once scanned, the web page automatically opens to view.
Deburr all holes as required.
Remove sharp edges and corners of the plate.
All dowel holes to be slip fit (gentle tap with a hammer).
Before installation of the guide bushings, make sure that the four holes are cleaned well. No oil residue can be on the inner surfaces as LOCTITE will be used to set the bushings. Use rubbing alcohol to clean.
Edges to be painted in the assembly along with the upper die shoe.
Stamp “X” to mark the OFFSET pin located at the upper left corner.