Vortool Manufacturing
privacy policy
What is our confidentiality policy?
All data and product specs provided by the client will be kept confidential and will be the property of the client.
Vortool Manufacturing agrees that no information regarding any project(s) will be disclosed to any third party unless such party is involved in the completion of your order.
If requested by the client, we have no issues signing a non-disclosure agreement for any project and will only proceed with work if (any) the third party also signs a non-disclosure agreement with us.
Vortool Manufacturing
copyright policy
What is our image usage policy?
All images displayed on this website are unique and belong solemnly to Vortool Manufacturing. All photographs were taken specifically for our website, working on our own projects for our website, social media and marketing needs,
Vortool Manufacturing tool and die design computer images, any product photographs should not be copied or redistributed by any second or third parties unless agreed by Vortool Manufacturing.
Images are not to be used on any other websites, or in print without written permission by Vortool Manufacturing.
Reselling of unique Vortool Manufacturing imagery is not allowed under any circumstances by anyone. Please remove any of our images and photographs from your websites or image libraries.